Mason Roberts
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A digital designer and fullstack developer living in the Carolinas, United States.
If you would like to know more about me, or are interested in my work, you can contact me at
Mason Roberts - Web Architect.
I have always been into computers and tech. In 2019 I went through and gained a few certifications. I learned how computers work, about networking and how the internet works, and network security. In 2020 I went through Lambda School and learned full stack web development. After Lambda, I learned Figma and designed many sites and apps. In 2022 I learned AWS cloud solutions. Recently I assisted a widely known carwash with an internal reports dashboard that was authenticated through Microsoft using MSAL and became very familiar with Azure. Now I build web based solutions for you.
Skills: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node, React, Next, Express, Nest, Sql, Mongo, Mongoose, Prisma, TypeORM, AWS, Azure
Degree: Online
Country: United States
State: South Carolina
Freelance: Available
Employment: Available
2022 - 2022
Wrote Node scripts to make API calls and store data in MongoDb. Built internal reports app in NextJs using Prisma
2021 - 2022
acloudguru, pluralsite
AWS Solution Architect Associate - Storage, VPC, Cloud Networks, Cloud Security, Decoupling, Governance, Serverless
2020 - 2021
Frontend Mentor
Full Stack Web Development - HTML, CSS, Javascript, ReactJs, MERN, Node, Github
2019 - 2020
Lambda School
Full Stack Web Development - HTML, CSS, Javascript, ReactJs, mySql, Node, Github, Slack, Zoom
2018 - 2019
My Computer Career
Received Linux Essentials LE-1 / MTA Security Fundamentals
Internal report dashboard app concept for a car wash company. Auth through Azure and MSAL.
Fan site and web app designed for a better experience watching and supporting a YouTube content creator.
Web app that brings all the hermits together in one place. Think Disney plus for hermits. Enjoy like never before.
Cliff notes web app for learning AWS Solution Architect Associate certification. Quiz's, Practice Exams, and study notes to help learn and keep fresh with AWS services and resources.
MERN stack project adapted from an Udemy course. This is an online ecommerce concept that sells health products.
Mobile first or desktop first, your site will look and respond great. Phone, tablet, or computer.
Frontend, or backend. Built for you from the ground up. From design through development to production.
Figma! Clients can comment on live designs. Prototype! Get graphics in PNG or SVG formats!
Code is yours! I use Github or Gitlab, follow industry standards and write clean code. Take it anywhere, it's yours.
Web for everyone, built with A11y in mind. Images are optimized, HTML is semantic, and built for everyone.
Every site has meta and og tags for search engines and social networks to find and rank your site.
Here are some of the completed HTML, CSS, and JS projects I have created that you can use as templates for free. Many are modified versions of online tutorials. These include the github repo, video link, general information on the template and a live example. This is everything you need to get you started as quick as possible.